Grow. Eat. Live.

Grow.  Eat.  Live.
Grow. Eat. Live.


Monday, May 27, 2024


 "Mental Health"

This video vignette is a must watch because we all must sound the alarm on talking about Mental Health. The world is in a crisis on the rising increase of mental illness. May is Mental Health Awareness month. Please take sometime and sit down to watch this very important video on Mental Health with your family and friends. Please share this video to your family and friends.

Check out the full episode recently released on Rea Living It Up Alternatively YouTube channel click here Mental Health Awareness Month

                            "If you want happiness for a lifetime - help the next generation."

Monday, October 30, 2023

Welcome to Rea Living It Up Alternatively

"The Grow Life"

Growing edible foods to help heal the body.  Tune in to the official launch of the channel.

tomatoes & holy basil

white horehound

Enjoy viewing the official launch of the Rea Living It Up Alternatively urban garden series 2023 #1.

 Thank you for watching!  Don't forget to subscribe, comment, and like👍

Thursday, August 24, 2023

A Nature Connection

 "Talking to plants is one way of talking directly to Spirit"

                                                                                                                              By Rosemary Gladstar / Traditional  Medicinals tea                

Neighborhood Fruit Trees
Persimmon Tree

Communicating with nature is beneficial for living in regards to our mental and physical health.  When you are connected with nature there is usually a sense of happy feelings and positive emotions, such as calmness, joy, focus, and creativity.

A perfect opportunity to connect with nature    

According to the article from Colorado State University by CSU MarComm Staff "The top 5 health benefits of interacting with nature" there are scientific evidence behind it, such as, the article from Science Nature and mental health: An ecosystem service perspective and journal research from National Center for Biotechnology Information A Review of the Benefits of Nature Experiences: More Than Meets the Eye, showing that people who have nearby nature environment settings have been found to be overall healthier than other individuals.

Home in the wilderness

How do you communicate with nature?  

Connecting with nature around a wood-burning fire pit

Roasting marshmallows over a open fire pit

Connecting with nature with utilizing your senses of taste and smell.

Embracing the nature environment with groups of people

Mood (spirit) lifts up to happy and joy.

The next time when you take a walk outside, look closely around your surroundings, try to connect with nature (flower, a tree, bird, sky) and let the brain (mind) get in tune to what vibes (emotions) that may come upon you. 

Evening blue sky

Take a moment to check in with yourself on "How Am I Feeling Today?"  

My nature connection experience checking in with "myself"

Wednesday, July 14, 2021


 "Zingiber Officinale"


Ginger root (rhizome)

Ginger is super beneficial to the human body.  It's one of the most sought out spice in the world.  The rhizome is either used as a spice in foods or as a healing aid in alternative medicine.  There are many forms of ginger being utilized, such as, fresh, dried, crystalized, tablets, capsules, liquid extracts, and essential oil.

The benefits of ginger
  • Prevents motion sickness
  • Help to quell nausea 
  • Prevent vomiting 
  • Relieve menstrual cramps
  • Relieve the chills and congestion of a cold
  • Relieve flatulence (gas) 
  • Anticancer properties *Recent studies reported the beta ionone, a terpenoid found in ginger gives anticancer properties
  • Pain reliever - ginger blocks the pro-inflammatory prostaglandins
  • Help hemorrhoids
  • Treat diarrhea
  • Protect brain cells from the plaques that cause Alzheimer's disease
  • Stimulate appetite
  • Relieve indigestion
  • Treat arthritis and osteoarthritis
  • Respiratory ailments


super beneficial
Grown outdoors 7-14-21

Ginger is the member of the Zingiberaceae family.  It's relatives are turmeric, cardamom, and galangal.  The leafy plant can grow up to three feet tall and produces clusters of greenish purple flowers.


Grown Indoors 6-17-21
Ginger can be grown indoors by a sunny window in a container

How to start growing ginger indoors?
  • Purchase pieces of the rhizomes from either local supermarkets or farmer's market. *Preferably organic if possible
  • Use a nice size container
  • Use good potting soil.  Mix the potting soil with peat moss and perlite
  • *Optional add organic herb fertilizer
  • Place the rhizomes flat in the soil and cover the top of the rhizomes with soil
  • Water it once the rhizomes are nicely fitted in the container
  • Then place your pot container in a nice sunny window sill
  • Watch it sprout up leaves in a few days or so

How to grow ginger outdoors in your garden raised bed?

How to cook, buy, and distinguish different ginger?

Now, are you ready to reap the benefits of this amazing rhizome?

Tuesday, March 16, 2021


 Learning To Crack Egg Labels

Eggs. Eggs. Eggs.  

     There are a variety of eggs to choose from at the supermarket.  Are you confused by the term labels? Sometimes, I find myself standing in front of the eggs section reading the labels to decipher what are good besides looking at the prices.  You can stand in that section for more than ten minutes just trying to figure out what the labels on the carton mean.  

     It was time for me to be a savvy shopper and spend less time in one area of the supermarket.  We all know time is an essence and knowledge is the key.

What bird eggs are most often sold in stores around the world?
The birds are chicken, quail, duck, ostrich, and goose.

What does the egg labels on the carton really mean?
Certified Organic
  • The bird is feed organic, vegetarian, antibiotic free diet
  • The bird is uncaged and allowed outdoors
  • Farms are inspected by the USDA yearly
All Natural
  • Generally states the obvious "egg"
  • No artificial flavors or colors or synthetic ingredients in the eggs themselves
Free Range/Cage Free
  • Uncaged bird may live indoors full time but usually have room to walk, perch, and nest
  • Free range are more likely to have outdoor access than cage free
Certified Humane
  • Uncaged bird may live indoors full time but not enough space to nest, flap their wings, and perch
  • Hormone and antibiotic free diet
  • Farms are inspected annually by an independent certifier
Omega-3 Fortified
  • Birds are given flaxseed and other sources of omega-3s in order to fortify the eggs
  • The amount of omega-3s can range from 250 mg per egg to 40 mg
  • The yolk is rich in omega-3 fats, the polyunsaturated fats associated with lower risk of heart disease and stroke 
  • These eggs are low in saturated fat and are a better source of vitamin E than regular eggs
Farm-laid or Country fresh
  • The birds that laid the eggs may have been confined to cages
Brown Eggs and White Eggs
  • Both are equally nutritious
  • They just comes from different breeds of chicken 
*Note:  Many supermarkets charge a higher price for brown eggs

Egg Facts

  • Egg yolks are one of the few foods that contain natural vitamin D
  • Eggs age more in one day at room temperature than in one week in the refrigerator
  • Besides vitamin D, an excellent source of protein, B vitamins, vitamin A, zinc, lutein, zeaxanthin, amino acids, and iron
  • Rich in choline 
  • A risk of salmonella if not fully cooked
  • Yolks are high in cholesterol
  • A common cause of food allergy
Storing Eggs
  • Keep eggs toward the back of your main part of the refrigerator which is cooler than the inside of  the door 
  • Leave the eggs in the original dated carton 
  • Stores up to 5 weeks in refrigerator

The basic guide provided above will help you not be overwhelmed or confused in picking up a carton of eggs.  

Tuesday, September 8, 2020


 "Remedies To Build Up Energy"

Lately, I have been asked this question by a few people, "What can I take to boost my energy levels?"

Here are my suggestions in which I like to do in giving my body a good boost of energy besides reaching for a cup of coffee or 5 hour Energy shot:
  • Vitamin B12 
  • CoQ10 (coenzyme) Ubiquinol - your body naturally produces this but as you get older it declines. It is useful for blood circulation.  When I'm traveling long distance (more than 2 hours), such as, air flight, car or bus I like to take a supplement of CoQ10.
  • Holy Basil (tulsi) - increases resistance to energy draining stress by stabilizing cortisol and blood sugar levels.  I love to make holy basil tea with fresh leaves with flowers or dried.
dried Tulsi Holy Basil

fresh Tulsi Holy Basil
(the gift that keeps on giving)

  • Ashwagandha root - relieves stress, improves concentration, and increase energy levels.  I like to add the powder in my oatmeal or smoothies.
Ashwagandha root powder

  • Stinging Nettle - is high in vitamin B1 and zinc that fuel your metabolism.  It helps with allergies as well.  I love drinking nettle tea.
  • Matcha green tea - highly packed with rich antioxidants catechins, a plant compound, maintains healthy weight, energy, boosts brain function, protect the liver, promote heart health, and prevent cancer.  This is my best tea I love to drink.
organic Matcha tea
ceremonial grade (highest quality)

Here are two great matcha tea demonstrations created and performed by chef and author, Candice Kumai:

The traditional

Upgrade to a latte

More info on Kumai you can check out here

Now that you know my secrets that gives me a boost of energy naturally, I hope you choose any of the above in your healthy diet.

Thursday, August 20, 2020


"Every beat of your heart is a rhythm of your soul."
                                                                                                                                                     by Yogi (tea)

Don't be still.  Be active.

Did you know that jumping rope can boost heart health?  

     Absolutely!  Jumping rope will get your heart pumping and blood flowing.  It's an excellent workout routine that benefits the heart, burns calories, and helps your breathing rhythms.  Therefore, jumping rope is beneficial in boosting circulation.
                                                                              Are you ready to get a jump start? 

Thursday, July 30, 2020



     If we had the opportunity to turn back the hands of time, I know for sure there will be many of you who would love to return to a still moment of time in a place where you have experienced in feeling  peace and joy. 

     As we face uncertainty in today's pandemic times, we come to realize the world must be at a stand still in which we are basically forced to re-evaluate things to reflect on the good and bad.  Reflecting is important because it can provide clarity on your life or a situation.  Reviewing old photos helps the brain keep sharp and focus.

    One of my most memorable moments was when I felt I had time-warped 400 years ago.  I have literally visited a place that brought on sadness, hurt, and anger within me because it was where slaves worked, lived, and brutally mistreated due to the color of their skin.  I knew I had to do the plantation tour because it was part of history.  

    So, are you ready to take a motionless back-to-future ride on some of my most memorable moments and experiences?  Yes!  Lets' relax and go back in time...

Bangkok, Thailand

Five years ago to this day I have arrived to the birth country, Thailand, of my mother for the first time.  The flight was 18 hours but with a stop at Dubai, United Arab Emirates.  I have flown on Emirates Airlines from JFK, New York.

Arrived July 30, 2015 Bangkok, Thailand on Emirates Airlines

Arrived July 30, 2015 12:00 a.m. Bangkok International Airport, Thailand

Arriving off the escalators at Bangkok International Airport, Thailand
July 30, 2015

Mom and I at one of the most popular Markets in Bangkok
Jatujak Market August 1, 2015

The Grand Palace in Bangkok, Thailand
August 1, 2015

The changing of the guards at the Grand Palace in Bangkok, Thailand
August 1, 2015

At the Grand Palace complex one of the statues and buildings in Bangkok, Thailand
August 1, 2015 

Niagara Falls State Park, New York

Niagara Falls  (United States border side)first arrival August 25, 2012
in the evening 8:36 pm Eastern 

Phoenix, Arizona

friend Vanessa taking a rest stop moment to enjoy Phoenix nature scenery
Our last day in Arizona driving back to Phoenix airport from Flagstaff
April 24, 2013 9:23 a.m. PST

I just had to get in between these two tall cactus plants Our last day in Arizona driving back to Phoenix airport from Flagstaff
April 24, 2013 9:24 a.m. PST


Sailing in the waters of Barbados enjoying the sunset
April 21, 2011 5:04 p.m.
Brooklyn, New York
This day June 20, 2011 was a memorable day because a dear close friend, Tarsha, father Bishop Clarence V. Keaton Jr. was given a street sign named after him on the block of where his church, True Worship, is located at Crescent Street in Brooklyn.  Family and friends gathered for the ceremony.

Street name ceremony in memory of Bishop Clarence V. Keaton, Jr.
June 20, 2011 12:46 p.m. Eastern time

For past few years, my husband and I have taken surprised trips for my birthday.  This particular trip was in the summer of July 2018 to New Orleans.  The state of Louisiana holds a significant amount of black history and culture in which you must learn while visiting.  The history of slavery shall not be brushed off or ignored.  So, instead of partying on my birthday July 28, 2018 I have chosen to do a plantation adventure to see and feel what our black ancestors felt centuries ago.  The day, July 28, 2018 was an extreme hot sunny day.  

Driving pass Saint Joseph Plantation on a bus tour provided by "Plantation Adventure"
One of the last Creole farmhouse
July 28, 2018 1:11 p.m. Central time

The Gates of Oak Alley Plantation
July 28, 2018 1:13 p.m. Central time

Get ready to experience part of the bus tour ride passing along other plantations.  Listen to the tour guide giving some history of the scenery I have recorded.  I know I've said it would be motionless but this particular in time you need to feel part of something to get an understanding of what it was like as a slave in Louisiana.

This picture I have taken when we went to the Whitney Plantation Tour.  The bed was in one of the slaves cabins where they have slept.  I was able to go inside of one and looked around.  There were more than 5 people living in one cabin and one bed frame WITHOUT a mattress in each cabin.  So, you all can just imagine how it felt to live in the horrible conditions back in time living as a slave.  Not easy, huh?

A Slave bed inside a slave cabin on the Whitney Plantation
July 28, 2018 2:59 p.m. Central time

These next few pictures wasn't my personal moments or experiences but of  John Robert Lewis politician and civil rights leader who served in the United States House of Representatives for Georgia's 5th congressional district.  He lived his life in fighting for freedom, equality, and basic human rights.  Lewis was one of the ones on the front lines of the 1965 March from Selma to Montgomery, "Bloody Sunday".  

The Edmund Pettus Bridge 
March 7, 1965

R.I.P. John Robert Lewis
Laid to rest today, July 30, 2020
Thank you for your dedication and leadership in the Civil Rights Movement

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Breaking Away

"Healthy Time Out"

Healthy Lunch 
in backyard

When you are working remote from home it is best to take breaks.  We tend to forget that just because our scenery is different from the actual "work place" you do not need a break.  Therefore, it usually becomes neglected or ignored.  Break time or lunch time is blocked time to let the mind, body, and soul relax temporarily.  If you do not allow yourself a break away, then you may feel worn out physically and emotionally.  Lets' not be shy or guilty in taking breaks.  When the time comes around during the day take your breaks and mealtimes to recharge. 

Step away to have a clear peace of mind and eat a healthy meal as well.

                                                                                                                       Enjoy your break!

Tuesday, June 2, 2020